City Council Recap


January 24, 2024 | General Meeting


  • 4-0 approving three of four items in the Consent Agenda:
    • Construction contract for the 7300 West road reconstruction project
    • Re-appointment of Councilmember Shields to the South Salt Lake Valley Mosquito Abatement District
    • Local consent for Levy Restaurant to serve alcohol at a February 24 Utah Warriors game
  • 4-0 denying a construction contract award for the Whisper Rose pressure-reducing valve replacement (part of the Consent Agenda)
  • 4-0 approving an amendment to City code to comply with state requirements for subdivision review and public notice procedures


General Meeting

City Council recognitions

  • The Council recognized a group of community members who volunteer to serve to elderly residents through the County's Meals on Wheels program. The group, led by resident Wendy Hill, works together to drive a route through Herriman to deliver healthy meals and visit with senior community members.

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  • The Council also recognized the girls soccer teams from Mountain Ridge High School and Herriman High School. In their effort to be involved and do good in their community, the cross-town rivals came together last fall in a friendly competition to raise nearly $10,000 to support a local family going through a fight against cancer.

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Public comments

  • One resident expressed gratitude for the Main Street project and specifically for staff members for making and keeping promises regarding property acquisition and providing a driveway access on his property.

City Council board and committee reports

  • Councilmember Hodges, representing the South Valley Sewer District board, noted he is now the chair of the board and reported some upcoming sewer projects, including a major project along 11800 South.
  • Councilmember Hodges noted the recent State of the County address by Mayor Jenny Wilson and the many positive things happening throughout the area. There was a focus on supporting growth in the western part of the county, including in Herriman.
  • Councilmember Ohrn, representing the Wasatch Front Waste and Recycling Districtboard, reported on recent budgetary discussions and that the district is doing well despite economic and industry challenges.
  • Councilmember Ohrn noted the Youth Council's visit to the State Capitol with Representatives Pierucci and Cobb earlier in the day. The group had exceptional on-site experience learning about the legislative process and meeting with local leaders. Councilmember Ohrn commended the youth for taking the initiative to be civically involved and educated.
  • Mayor Palmer reported on various committee meetings surrounding the state legislative session. He noted he was recently placed on the Transportation Coordinating Committee, which gives Herriman a seat on the policy advisory board for the Wasatch Front Regional Council's short-range transportation planning and programming.
  • Councilmember Ohrn encouraged residents to become involved in the legislative session, pay attention to bills, and reach out to representatives to make local voices heard. She emphasized the importance to have local-level needs known as city governments have limited authority or funding in matters that affect lives directly, such as regional transportation.

Land development code revision

To comply with Senate Bill 174 passed by the Utah legislature in 2023, the City updated Title 10 of its code regarding subdivision review and approval. The City was already following many or all of the requirements in the bill.


Work Meeting

Blackridge Reservoir operations

The Council continued its discussion of Blackridge Reservoir and issues that stem from heavy reservoir use during peak summer times. Because the reservoir is in a residential area, serves as a major trailhead, and is a popular place for summer recreation, every potential solution comes with pros and cons. Changes discussed by the Council in this meeting are expected to take effect on May 1, 2024.

  • Parking fee: The Council decided to move forward a universal fee of $15 paid for an all-day parking pass at Blackridge Reservoir and hire a parking company to enforce entry.
  • Parking ticket fines: The City's current fine for illegally parked cars in the city is $25, which has not proven to deter illegal parking nor cover costs for issuing and processing the fine. The Council intends to increase the standard parking fine to $100 (with a maximum of $200) and allow the City Prosecutor discretion to lower the fine if warranted. The City will update and/or add signage in the Blackridge area to reflect the change.
  • Blackridge neighborhood parking permit area: The City will start a public process to expand the area where permits are required for on-street parking in the Blackridge neighborhood area. It's expected that an increased illegal parking fine will influence drivers to park farther away from the reservoir, and the Council wishes to protect additional streets from parking issues. The City will also eliminate the annual $25 permit fee paid by residents to acquire their permits.
  • Blackridge Reservoir: Because reservation of the Blackridge Reservoir large pavilion includes several reserved parking stalls, the Council decided to raise the reservation fee to cover the equivalent cost of those stalls plus the existing base reservation fee. The City will also update signage around the reservoir for consistency and clarity.

Rodeo tickets

The Council discussed the rodeo ticket prices for the upcoming season with the context of the event's revenues and expenses. The standard prices for the Friday and Saturday nights will be $25 for adults and $15 for youth (ages 13 and under), with a new third night (Thursday) being $5 off each for adults and youth. The event may also feature premium seating for $50 for viewing close to the arena and other amenities. The rodeo will be May 30 - June 1. Information is published at

Fleet management

The Operations Director presented the Fleet Committee's progress in expanding the vehicle fleet policy and practices, including the data used to purchase and re-sell the City's vehicles to maximize taxpayer funds.

Revenue discussion

As part of the annual budgeting process, the Finance Director and Council reviewed revenues and obligations for the City's debt service (loan repayments) fund and Community Development and Renewal Agency funds, which are area-specific tax incentives to promote economic growth.


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